1. 新思想:new thought
2. 新常态:new normal
3. 新增长目标:new growth target
4. 新反腐模式:new anti-corruption model
5. 民生:people’s livelihood
6. 扶贫:poverty alleviation
7. 国防:national defense
8. 改革开放40周年:40 years of reform and opening up
9. 中国梦:the Chinese Dream
10. 人类命运共同体:a community with shared future for humanity
11. 五位一体:economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress
12. 四个全面:the four-pronged comprehensive strategy
13. 一带一路:the Belt and Road Initiative
14. 文化自信:cultural confidence
15. 获得感:sense of benefit
16. 成就感:sense of achievement
17. 城市群:city cluster
18. 低碳城市:low-carbon cities
19. 智能制造:intelligent manufacturing
20. 中国制造2025:Made in China 2025
21. 工匠精神:craftsmanship spirit
22. 中国天眼:500米口径球面射电望远镜:China’s Eye of Heaven:The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope ( FAST)
23. 国产航母:domestically built aircraft carrier
24. 国产客机:homemade passenger jet
25. 数字家庭:digital homes
26. 数字经济:digital economy
27. 人工智能:artificial intelligence
28. 第五代移动通信5G:mobile communications
29. 自媒体:We-Media
30. 自贸试验区:pilot free trade zones
31. 医疗改革:medical reform
32. 国内生产总值:Gross Domestic Product(GDP)
33. 居民消费价格:Consumer Price Index(CPI)
34. 税收减免:tax reduction and exemption
35. 去产能:reducing excess capacity
36. 房地产去库存:reducing real estate inventory
37. 供给侧结构性改革:supply-side structural reform
38. 补短板:strengthening areas of weakness
39. 生态保护红线:ecological wealth
40. 蓝色经济:blue economy
41. 绿色发展:green development
42. 纵向横向经济轴带:north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts
43. 全球伙伴关系网:global partnership network
44. 利益共同体:community of shared interests
45. 无现金支付:cashless payment
46. 扫脸支付:face scan payment
47. 二维码支付:two-dimensional barcode payment
48. 点赞:give a like
49. 虚拟现实:virtual reality
50. 宜居城市:habitable city
51. 分享经济:sharing economy
52. 互联网金融:online finance
53. 提现:cash withdrawal
54. 金融科技:fintech
55. 一小时通勤圈:one-hour commuting circle
56. 智能制造:smart manufacturing
57. 需求侧管理:demand-size regulation
58. 逆全球化:deglobalization
59. 网络直播:live streaming
60. 薪酬改革:salary reform
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