雅思听力高频词汇:关于Easy life clean service
package n. 套餐
例句:a package of measures to help small businesses 扶助小商家的整套措施
apartment n. 公寓
例句:Christina has her own apartment, with her own car. 克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。
shower n. 淋浴室
例句:a hotel room with bath and shower 配备有浴缸和淋浴器的旅馆客房
sink n. 水池,水槽
例句:The sink was full of dirty dishes. 水槽里堆满了脏碟子。
iron v. 熨烫
例句:I’ll need to iron that dress before I can wear it. 我得先把那件连衣裙烫平再穿。
allergic adj. 对…过敏的
例句:I like cats but unfortunately I’m allergic to them. 我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是我对猫过敏。
customer n. 顾客
例句:The firm has excellent customer relations. 此公司与客户关系极好。
balcony n. 阳台
例句:Some rooms have a balcony and some are non smoking. 部份客房有阳台﹐而有些则是禁烟的.
electrician n. 电工
例句:The electrician wears rubber shoes on the job. 电工在工作中穿着绝缘鞋。
dust n. 灰尘
例句:The books were all covered with dust. 书上积满了灰尘。
review n. 评论
例句:He submitted his latest novel for review. 他提交了自己的最新小说供评论。
undergo v. 经历
例句:My mother underwent major surgery last year. 我母亲去年动过大手术。
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